Future Plans

November 26, 2007

John R. (chiphead@sbcglobal.net)

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This a preliminary discussion of future plans. Many of these items are "conceptual" in nature, and I haven't thought much about specifics yet. This is intended to be a iterative process as I move forward. As I take steps forward, there will be updated and/or additional "Future Plans" pages.

Sensors and Communication

In addition to the base Nomad, I also have an array of sensors on hand, along with mounting hardware and 3 S3 Pan Tilt units. Sensors to use for testing include accelerometers for tilt and movement, a GPS unit, compass, Ping :)) and PIR sensors. Others may be added as I go. I also plan on adding a wireless IP Camera, and have the Parallax 433 MHz transceiver package. The basic intent is to have the Nomad be in contact with a PC or laptop by wireless for "remote control".

Battery Power

I plan on powering the Nomad with LiPo batteries, see the battery page.

Processors and Programming

I will initially be using the CrustCrawler walking engine and the supplied BS2p. To read about how the walking engine had to be adapted for the robot servos, click here. Longer range, I plan on converting to SX and/or Propeller processors, and writing an "adaptive" walking engine. The initial concept will be to have the robot keep itself level on uneven terrain by adjusting how far to extend the individual legs based on readings from the tilt sensor (accelerometer). There will also need to be communication to/from a remote PC. I plan to work on a couple modes of operation, one with a walking engine on the Nomad, the other with all processing done on the PC, and communicating sensor readings from the Nomad to the PC and servo movement commands back to the Nomad. At this point, these ideas are just conceptual in nature.